Children's services

Our services for children are divided into two branches: Universal services and Specialist services.

Universal services 

Unversal services are delivered countywide and include Public Health Nursing (health visiting and school nursing), school-aged immunisation service and Child Health information services.

Health Visiting service

School Nursing Service

Hertfordshire and East Anglia Community School Age Immunisation Service

Specialist services 

Specialist services include some Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and an integrated therapies services, both of which are delivered across the county. We also deliver some specialist services in the west of the county which include Community Paediatrics, Children’s Community Nursing, Community Dental, an Integrated Asthma and Wheeze Service, the children’s eye service and the children’s hearing services.

How to refer

Referral information can be found under each relevant service under 'Making a referral'

Services A-Z