Our board

Our board consists of:

  • The chair (Dr Nicolas Small)
  • Four voting non-executive directors
  • A non-voting associate non-executive director
  • Our executive directors. 

The board is responsible for setting and developing the strategic direction of the organisation, sustaining business viability and holding the executive directors to account for all aspects of the organisation’s activities, including quality and safety of patient services, financial management and legal compliance.

The board also seeks assurances from the executive directors that risks to the organisation are being appropriately assessed and managed.

The board normally meets every other month, with briefings and development sessions held in the intervening months.

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Rukshana Kapasi

Rukshana Kapasi

Rukshana Kapasi

Non-Executive Director (voting member)

Rukshana has been working in the NHS and charitable sector for the last thirty years as a commissioner, clinician, senior leader and Board member.  She has stimulated some key directional changes in the public sector such undertaking research and pilots which led to the introduction of PALs into hospitals in England, Patient Choice in primary care and ethnicity monitoring to improve health inequalities. 

Rukshana introduced the first digital IBD standards to IBD centres across the UK in 2019 as Chair of IBDUK, a partnership of 17 Royal Colleges and patient organisations. She is Barnardo’s first Director of Health, leading the transformation of the largest children’s charity in the UK to a health & social care provider. As well as developing its health growth strategy, and value proposition, she is shaping its strategic capability for child health equity through a partnership with Sir Michael Marmot’s Institute of Health Equity and 3 ICSs.  

Rukshana is an Advisory Commissioner to the Health Devolution Commission and is a member of the NHSE Children’s Stakeholder Council.

Committee membership and other responsibilities:

  • Chair - Strategy, Involvement and Planning Committee
  • Member- Quality Committee


Appointment history:

  • Appointed from 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2024

Annual General Meeting

This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place on 25 July 2024.

You can find the agenda for the meeting here.

Board meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe meetings of the Trust Board. Currently Board meetings are held remotely by video conference. 

Board papers and minutes of public Board meetings are published on this website in advance of meetings.

Meeting agendas include time for the public to put questions to the Board. If there is not enough time to respond to all questions, a response will be sent after the meeting. Questions from the public can be submitted by email either in advance or after the meetings.

Meetings start at 9.30am and end at 12.30pm (unless otherwise indicated). Dates of future meeting are below. This includes a Microsoft Teams link to join each meeting. 

This page features our Board papers 2024. Should you wish to receive papers from a meeting held before 2015 or require information about our Board and Board meetings please contact our Assistant Trust Secretary, Lorna Boyd-Bell or send an email, setting out details of the papers you require, to FOI@hchs.nhs.uk.

Board meeting papers 2024

This page features our Board papers 2024. Should you wish to receive papers from a meeting held before 2015 or require information about our Board and Board meetings please contact our Assistant Trust Secretary, Lorna Boyd-Bell or send an email, setting out details of the papers you require, to FOI@hchs.nhs.uk.

Board meeting papers 2023

This page features our Board papers 2023. Should you wish to receive papers from a meeting held before 2015 or require information about our Board and Board meetings please contact our Assistant Trust Secretary, Lorna Boyd-Bell or send an email, setting out details of the papers you require, to FOI@hchs.nhs.uk.

Board meeting papers 2022

This page features our Board papers 2022. Should you wish to receive papers from a meeting held before 2015 or require information about our Board and Board meetings please contact our Assistant Trust Secretary, Lorna Boyd-Bell or send an email, setting out details of the papers you require, to FOI@hchs.nhs.uk.

Board meeting papers 2021 - 2016

On this page you will find Board papers 2021 - 2016. Should you wish to see papers from a meeting held before 2016 or require information about our Board and Board meetings please contact Assistant Trust Secretary, Lorna Boyd-Bell or send an email, setting out details of the papers you require, to FOI@hchs.nhs.uk.

Board papers 2021

Board papers 2020

Board papers 2019

Board papers 2018

Board papers 2017

Board papers 2016