Information for parents - sensory services

Information for parents - sensory services


The service is being launched in a phased rollout. Initially we are offering the universal level service for parents/carers and schools and the targeted offer for parents.   Following on we will launch targeted offer for schools, and children and young people.  Finally, we will be launching our specialist offer.

Sensory processing is the ability to organise and make sense of the information we receive from our senses about the world around us. We take in sensory information from what we see, touch, taste, smell, hear as well as from our movements and the position of our body.  This information is processed by our brains and nervous system so that we can make sense of it and respond appropriately.

All people process sensory information differently and have preferences for those sensory experiences they enjoy and seek and those they do not like and avoid.  Sensory processing differences become an issue when they impact on a child or young person’s ability to participate in activities that are necessary for their learning and development.

Printable activity sheet for parents/carers to record which sensory actiivtities have been trailled.activity-recording-sheetdocx.doc (

Here is a link for services and charities in Hertfordshire -Hertfordshire services and charities | Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (

Useful sensory resources for parents/carers to access - sensory | Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (